All photographs copyright Nick Shepherd
Strete Parish Clerk
Hannah Iles - 01548 580449
Hannah is responsible for ensuring that Strete Parish Council activities comply with government guidelines at all times together with supplier payments.
Ralph Clark 01803 770954
Weatherley, Strete, Dartmouth TQ6 0RS
Ralph is currently Chairman of the Parish Council. He is responsible for highway safety, reporting potholes, arranging village road sweeping and hedge cutting through liaison with farmers. He is parish liaison with the Village Hall committee. Together with Peter he is parish liaison with neighbouring parishes, landowners and MP.
Ralph is liaison with Louise Newman for Litter Picking twice yearly. Ralph is liaison with David Rothwell for the Defibrillator & Training, Snow Warden and Salt Bins maintenance.
Peter Hales - 01803 770739
4 Crestfields, Strete, Dartmouth TQ6 0SD
Peter is Deputy Chairman. His is the focal point for planning matters which arise in the parish. Together with Ralph he is parish liaison with neighbouring parishes, landowners and MP. He is liaison for local bus transport, sustainability and environmental matters. He is liaison with the Kings Arms Community Pub committee.
Graham Campbell - 01803 770450
Sea Drift, Strete, Dartmouth TQ6 0RS
Graham looks after the Village Green which involves all aspects of husbandry of this village asset. Together with Ian he oversees the maintenance of Prideaux Lane as a Right of Way and the Playpark. Graham also works with local welfare organisations to coordinate their work in Strete. With Kate he represents Strete Parish on the Slapton Line Partnership. Finally, he works with Ian, Kate and South Hams District Council to represent the parish’s interests at Strete Gate Picnic Area & Car Park as well as motorhomes visiting the area.
Ian Cumberlidge 01803 770020
1 Seacroft, Strete, Dartmouth TQ6 0RU
Ian is the tree warden for the village. He reports on the condition of trees in the village and the Community Wood. He ensures 'Buddle Holes' in the Parish are kept clear to prevent highway flooding. He reports on public rights of way and keeps an eye on Strete Gate Picnic Area together with Kate and Graham. He oversees safety inspections of Playpark equipment and battery changes for the vehicle activated speed (VAS) machines on the A379 and Totnes Road.
Kate Gill 01548 511441
The Bench Mark, Kernborough TQ7 2LL
Kate, together with Graham, is a representative on the Slapton Line Partnership and has been involved with this over several years. Kate works with Ian, Graham and South Hams District Council to report on the parish’s interests at Strete Gate Picnic Area & Car Park as well as motorhomes visiting the area.
Helen Darch 01803 770018
Homer Park, Strete, TQ6 0SJ
Helen is the liaison with religious communities in the parish. Helen provides the Parish Clerk with accounts and welfare support. Helen reports on the condition of Animal Waste Bins in the village. Helen is also the Police Advocate for the parish council.
COUNTY COUNCILLOR (Kingsbridge & Stokenham Ward)
Julian Brazil 01548 511109
Crab Cottage, East Prawle, Kingsbridge TQ7 2DA
Julian represents Devon County Council at our monthly meetings. Julian speaks on all matters to do with highways, some waste management, education, libraries, social services, and health.
DISTRICT COUNCILLOR (Allington and Strete Ward)
Laurel Lawford
Laurel is the district councillor for our ward. She represents South Hams District Council across areas which include planning, waste collection, public toilets, car parking, licencing, and pest control. The District Council also levies and collects Council Tax on behalf of all precepting authorities.
South Hams District Council - the District Council website.
Devon County Council - the official County website.